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Keep everything on Track with


One App to ensure all your operations are intact!
  • Live Location Tracking
  • Attendance Monitoring
  • Task Scheduling & tracking
  • Precise Project Reports
  • and many more

KriyaTrack is built to clear the clutter in employee and process management. Let go of time-consuming, error-prone manual tracking and multiple software to record every detail. Digitize your operations and get real-time insights into all your projects in progress with one subscription.

KriyaTrack is industry-agnostic. We designed it to be scalable, robust with room for enormous customizations suitable for organizations of all sizes.

Why KriyaTrack?

KriyaTrack Features

Live Location Tracking

Stay LIVE!

Stay updated on the employees’ location 24/7

Task Monitoring

Never miss a task!

Wake up with a to-do list. Schedule, track and report all your tasks on time

Instant Notifications

Stay updated!

Get notified of meetings, client’s onsite visits, project interactions in one page


End-to-End Tracking!

Track multiple stakeholders from different organizations without multiple configurations

Attendance Monitoring

No more last-minute hustle!

Mark/track attendance, leave management directly from where you are

Single Dashboard Analytics

Deliver before TAT!

Check all the red-hot tasks at a single dashboard and take timely actions.

Clients Who Track with KriyaTrack

Lea Associates

egis India

Theme Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd
JSV Associates

We bet you’ll be surprised to know our subscription price!

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